Student Ministry Goals
What is the purpose of the KBC Student Ministry?
Student ministry exists for the purpose of assisting the local church in its mission to make disciples, specifically by equipping teenagers with the gospel and training them in the way of Jesus.
When Jesus established His Church, He commissioned his initial followers to make disciples wherever they went: preaching the gospel to non-believers, baptizing new converts, and instructing them to obey all of Jesus commands (Matthew 28:18-20). This call to discipleship is still active for us today. Amazingly, all Christians are called to participate in God’s mission to glorify Himself by redeeming sinners through His Son from every tribe and language and people and nations(Revelation 5:6-14; 7:9-12).
The mission of student ministry is not separate from that of the local church, rather it is to support and assist the church in this great mission. Student ministry will strive to come alongside and support parents and families as they seek to instruct their children in the way of Jesus (Deuteronomy 6:4-7; Ephesians 6:1-4) by specifically focusing on the following areas:
Teaching God’s Word
The Bible is the very Word of God, able to make hearers wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:14-17). All of our teaching is to be based upon the truth of Scripture.
Encouraging Service & Evangelism
We will encourage and equip our students to make Jesus known in their context. This includes both gospel proclamation and demonstrating Christ-like love to others.
Providing Godly Examples
Following the pattern of Titus 2:2-8, one of our goals is to identify godly adult church members who will set an example of Christian maturity for our students to follow.
Cultivating Friendship
We want to help our students understand that being part of the church means growing in love for other Christians. Thus we strive to cultivate Christian friendships among peers, intentionally centered around a shared redemption in Christ.
9:00am: Students participate in the KBC corporate worship gathering
10:45am: Students gather for a weekly Bible study
6:15pm: Mid week student gathering (finished by 7:45pm)