“Go… Send…or Disobey.”
– John Piper
One of our core values as a church is to become a people who join Jesus in His mission. We seek to practically live this out through PRAYING, GIVING, and GOING.
- Praying… Whether it’s in weekly worship gatherings, our small groups, or other settings where corporate prayer is practiced, we seek to make interceding for the work of the Lord around the world a priority. We have established contact with individual missionary families and share their prayer needs with the KBC Family for more directed prayer.
- Giving… From our church budget 19% of our general offerings are given to local, national, and world mission organizations through the Southern Baptist Convention. We also take up three special offerings (one each for Northwest, North American, and World mission efforts) throughout the course of the calendar year that are above and beyond our regular giving as a church body.
- Going… Through local missions activities, trips around the Northwest, and international partnerships in South America and East Asia we desire to be a missional people by actually going to share the truth and love of Christ with those who still need to know and treasure the Name of Christ.
2023 Ecuador Mission Trip
Kennewick Baptist Church is devoted to the spread of the Gospel near and far. We are thrilled to send 22 people on this short-term mission trip to Ecuador in June of 2023. During this trip the team will partner with the local church there. Our goal is to come alongside their current ministries for the good of the people and the glory of God. Some of the work projects for 2023 will include: continuing a construction project for Buen Pastor Checa Church; assisting an afterschool program with Bible stories, games, and activities; putting on a vacation Bible school for the community; serving families of children with special needs; serving a meal to workers at the Zambiza Dump; and fellowshipping with many Believers. Thank you for supporting the team and praying for us as we go.
Prayer Requests:
- For the KBC Team to operate in joy and unity in Christ while we serve.
- For the families of those who are participating.
- For our hearts to be increasingly knit to our brothers and sisters in Ecuador.
- For the work of our hands to be fruitful and safe.
- For our bodies to be strong and our health to maintain while in Ecuador.
- For wisdom as we make decisions and minister with the local church and seek to bless them.
- For safety and guidance as we travel and navigate changing health regulations.
- For the church in Ecuador (El Buen Pastor, Pifo & Checa)… may the Lord grant them unity and strength as they minister in their community, plant new churches, care for marriages/families, develop leaders, support local schools, and share the gospel with their community.
Financial Support:
- Due to the generosity and faithful giving of the KBC Family, we’ve already budgeted for and plan to take $10,000 in building/operational expenses to the church in Ecuador. Thank you KBC… and praise God!
- If you would like to help support the KBC Team (as a whole or individually) you can do so by designating your gift to “2023 Ecuador Mission Trip” or by using a specific team member’s name. Gifts can be made through an offering envelope or by using KBC’s online giving tool, EasyTithe.
- We’re also offering specially designed “2023 Ecuador” clothing this year. JUST CLICK HERE for more info or to purchase.