Our main purpose in corporate gatherings is to enjoy and display the worth of Christ in God-centered, Christ-exalting, Spirit-led, Bible-saturated worship. We want to hear from God through the preaching of His Word and then respond to Him. We know the Lord through his Word, and we come together corporately to pursue him through reading, preaching, singing, praying, and seeing the truth in Scripture. Each Sunday we have two worship gatherings for the people of KBC and the Tri-Cities community. We are currently meeting in our auditoirum @9:00am & 10:45am on Sunday mornings. Please use the front doors to enter. You can find a livestream of our in-person Sunday worship gatherings on KBC’s YouTube Channel.
The following are our values for corporate worship gatherings at KBC:
God-Centered – We pursue joy in God and honor him as our greatest treasure.
Gospel-Saturated – We savor the truth and sweetness of the gospel. We want to convey the full breadth of the gospel including the character of God, our sinfulness, the sacrifice of Christ required for our forgiveness, the wonder of being redeemed, the privilege of serving God, and our eternal hope.
Bible-Saturated – The content of our singing, praying, and preaching should always conform to the truth of Scripture.
Expecting God’s Presence – We draw near to God in confidence that He will draw near to us.
Head and Heart – The elements of our worship gatherings should stir deep and real emotions toward God, but always be rooted in clear thinking about Biblical truth.
Earnestness and Intensity – We will try to avoid being superficial, and instead will aim to set an example of reverence, passion, wonder, and broken-hearted joy.
Authenticity – We do not pursue an atmosphere of artistic performance or showmanship, but one of a personal encounter with God.
Preferring One Another – We strive to love and serve one another by holding musical preferences loosely and singing joyfully alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Un-distracting Excellence – We want to lead in such a way that people’s attention will not be diverted from the glory of God.
Appreciative of Christian Worship Past and Present – We glean from songs that have benefited the church historically as well as in our own day.
Participation – We want to be a singing people, encouraging corporate participation.
Warmth – We welcome one another graciously as God has welcomed us.
Prayer – We pray earnestly and regularly for the glory of God, the good of his people, and the salvation of unbelievers.
Generosity – We give joyfully of our time, talents, and treasures because God has given his Son for us.
The above statements have been partially adapted from: What Unites Us in Worship at Bethlehem? By John Piper. http://www.hopeingod.org/document/what-unites-us-worship-bethlehem